Tag Archives: moon

Amazon Hardcover Review, Universal Consciousness

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

Amazon, hardcover review

5.0 out of 5 stars Universal Consciousness March 8, 2013

Format:Hardcover|Amazon Verified Purchase

“I loved this book as a help in focusing on our human family. The image of our green-blue planet from the moon is a symbol of humanity without borders. Perhaps this is the greatest image ever seen. “The indifferent wealthy, whose souls had grown cold, hardened against human cries of hunger and pain”. “Our duty is to give hope to the hopeless, love to the loveless, sustenance to the poor”. “The man that is kind and righteous, treating all as his own, attains immortal being.” The poets that are identified in this fascinating book see a universal brotherhood, as to why they are full of love for our planet. The eternal and universal creative process is in every man, women and child.”

Frederick Glaysher

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Invocation, BOOK VII, The Parliament of Poets

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

Invocation, BOOK VII, The Parliament of Poets

“O Divine Light, that never stops shining,
beyond our atmosphere, Eternal Radiance,
though we may be oblivious of thee,
sustain us with thy rays of warmth and light,
sustenance unseen, heating our earthly realm,
with beams, beyond our ken, but not our need.
I ask thee once again to lift me up
like a drooping plant shut off from thee,
to carry further forth this epic song,
whose glory, if ever won, belongs to thee.
Thou seest my need and frailty.
Mercy and compassion I crave of thee,
not merely for myself but all humanity.
Let us not destroy ourselves. Help us find
a new vision that we may humbly serve,
restore the cosmic order now, a wider
harmony in tune with thee, your global realm…”

From the invocation of BOOK VII, The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem. Copyright (c) 2012 Frederick Glaysher.

Frederick Glaysher

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Invocation, BOOK I, The Parliament of Poets

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

FROM the Invocation, BOOK I, The Parliament of Poets

O Muse, O Maid of Heaven, O Circling Moon,
O lunar glory of the midnight sky,
I call on thee to bless thy servant’s tongue,
descend upon thy pillar of light,
moonbeam blessings, that from my mouth
may pour out at least a fraction of the love
I hold for thee, sweet blessings, for service
to God’s creation, and His Creative Word,
the Bible’s thundering verses, Brahma
of the Upanishads, Allah, the Compassionate,
Buddha’s meditative mystery,
Confucius and the Dao. O Great Spirit
of the many peoples and the tribes,
if I have ever sacrificed for thee, long years,
drinking water from a wooden bowl,
hear my appeal and inspire me to sing
the tale supernal, upon the moon,
The Parliament of Poets, assemblage
of thy devoted ones, God intoxicated,
survey the cosmos and the centuries….

From the Invocation of the Muse, The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem. Copyright (c) 2012 Frederick Glaysher.

Frederick Glaysher

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Joseph Campbell, Earthrise–The Dawning of a New Spiritual Awareness



I’ve found myself over the years repeatedly going back to a few of Joseph Campbell’s books and articles. Among them, of course, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and his 1979 article “Earthrise–The Dawning of a New Spiritual Awareness,” reprinted in Thou Art That (2001), which I’ll let here speak for itself:

“Men stood on the moon and looked back and by television we were able to look back with them–to see earthrise….

With the moon walk, the religious myth that sustained these notions could no longer be held. With our view of earthrise, we could see that the earth and the heavens were no longer divided but that the earth is in the heavens. There is no division and all the theological notions based on the distinction between the heavens and the earth collapse with that realization. There is a unity in the universe and a unity in our own experience….

Symbolically, the same tradition suggests the return of Mother Earth to the heavens, the very thing that has occurred because of our journeys into space….The exclusivism of there being only one way in which we can be saved, the idea that there is a single religious group that is in sole possession of the truth–that is the world as we know it that must pass away. What is the kingdom? It lies in our realization of the ubiquity of the divine presence in our neighbors, in our enemies, in all of us…….the Space Age reminds us that it must come from within ourselves. The voyages into outer space turn us back to inner space.As Thomas Merton wrote, a symbol contains a structure that awakens our consciousness to a new awareness of the inner meaning of life and reality itself. Through symbols we enter emotionally into contact with our deepest selves, with each other, and with God–a word that is to be understood as a symbol.”

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