Tag Archives: Kobo

Now an ePub on Kobo and Google Play, The Parliament of Poets

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

Now an ePub on Kobo and Google Play, The Parliament of Poets

Kobo (many devices, iPad, smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Google Play (many devices, iPad, smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Both ebook sellers have numerous affiliates around the world and with time availability of my epic poem will spread to them as well. They both also provide their ebook list to independent booksellers and local bookstores in the USA. For one list, see IndieBound.

With the full setup now on Kobo and Google Play, I consider my epic poem fully published and distributed. I don’t anticipate making it available through other outlets. I have all the bases covered, if you will, to my satisfaction–Amazon, hardcover and Kindle; Barnes & Noble, Hardcover and Nook ePub; Kobo, ePub; Google Play, ePub. Through Ingram’s Lightning Source, the epic is available worldwide, or will be soon, as a hardcover book, through many booksellers in the USA, the United Kingdom, all over Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, India, and many more locations. For specific countries, see my web site page, Order Books.

I don’t really like the way Apple allows independent publishers to place their books on iTunes, i.e., through Smashwords, which has a stigmatizing association that I don’t think highly of and uses what I consider to be an inferior format to the ePub2 that I want my ebooks published in. The reader deserves the best. If iTunes were to allow writers to publish directly through an Apple account, I would then make my books available on it. Unless or until that happens, readers with Apple devices can read my ebooks through the apps for Kobo, Google Play, and Kindle, or the hardcover.

Frederick Glaysher

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