Tag Archives: Ibo

Ezeulu in Igboland, Nigeria

Igboland, Nigeria

Ezeulu in Igboland, Nigeria

November 5, 2010

Ezeulu, a priest. A compound in Igboland. A dirt floor and a kola nut. Wearied by a long journey, an illness overwhelms the Persona, a heart of darkness dark as the darkest human heart.  Clara, a nurse. Bitterleaf and palm nut soups, foofoo, yam potlage, cassava lightened with green banana.

Chalked half white, a circle around one eye. Words of Ezeulu to the Poet of the Moon. Drums, song, dance. Feet pound the earth, the village moves… Masks.

A Griot woman, a calabash…

Frederick Glaysher

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