Tag Archives: epic poetry

WSRadio Interview of Frederick Glaysher, January 11, 2015

Frederick Glaysher. June 30, 2014

Frederick Glaysher

WSRadio Interview of Frederick Glaysher, January 11, 2015

Includes a reading of Black Elk on the Moon, discussion of consciousness, world religions, and the universe becoming aware of itself.

“He is the epic poet and visionary, and the author of two extraordinary books, The Myth of the Enlightenment and The Parliament of Poets. I recommend both.”

—Mike Schwager, The Enrichment Hour, POETRY, PEACE, ENLIGHTENMENT… WSRadio 23 minutes.


Frederick Glaysher



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Filed under Universality

People Around the Globe Must Change their Thinking

People Around the Globe Must Change their Thinking

Mother Earth

Mother Earth

The first step is people around the globe must change their thinking… That is now in process and can be achieved, with a unifying Vision. When that happens, the “corrupt politicos” will have to change sufficiently if they want power, and they will, because they do, which now can only be held at the indulgence of the people.

For people around the globe to truly change their thinking, and this may be very difficult to understand, but I ask you to think of shamans telling a tale that brings the tribe together in a new understanding or Vision, helps them *feel* it, people need to read the epic poem that I have spent 30 years studying for and writing, a tale of humanity throughout the ages, in the vast expanse of time and space, in global and cosmic Unity, viewing Mother Earth from the Moon… united in a commonly shared Vision of Love.

Everything else has been tried and failed… now trust and mount the shaman path Heavenward to the Moon…

The problem is people must *feel* it and prose is ultimately based only on the reason of the head, not the heart, as poetry is, which is why historically, prior to modern times, it was always considered a form of epistemology, knowledge, a way of knowing that ran deeper than the intellect… It’s why I chose epic poetry because it can speak to the deepest regions of the soul.

The old paradigm of publishing and promotion is still very much in control of the major publications and levers of dissemination of new ideas and books. Unfortunately, most of it, is in the control of corporations that are thoroughly suffused with the atrophied vision of life from modern nihilism and materialism, the latter from both Marxism and capitalism. The world has truly been struggling throughout the last hundred years to achieve another vision of life beyond those old contentious ideologies, truly global and universal in outlook.

We’ve all seen it, from the moon, the great overview Image of Mother Earth, and feel it to some inarticulate degree and level… yet need a tale to help it come into focus… I believe, in our hearts and souls where real change originates and takes place.

Then, it will be easy to transform life on this planet… and care for the needs of all the people of Mother Earth. An epochal shift is what is required, a very deep change or clarification of Vision, which civilization on this planet has repeatedly demonstrated, in the past, when necessary, it is capable of making…

Frederick Glaysher

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Epic Poetry and Quantum Physics

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

Epic Poetry and Quantum Physics

I believe the only way to reach the imagination of the entire culture is through the cultural richness and plenitude of the humanities, speaking broadly, which includes all of the religious and wisdom traditions. Story, myth, and drama reach the deepest into the psyche, as Jung, Campbell, and others understood, as they had learned from the greatest works of art and myth that were in fact at the core of their own studies. Having read the astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s The Way of the Explorer and various other things, such as Frithjof Capra’s The Turning Point and George B. Leonard’s The Transformation, long ago, I respected their attempt and approach. There are many voices who have and are grappling with these things, from various angles.

Science cannot really heal alone the divide that it, too, suffered as a result of the upheavals of the seventeenth century and modernity, though quantum physics has led some to reconsider and foresee a transition of the worldview as a result of it. On the other hand, I acknowledge that literature and the humanities cannot heal the wound of civilization alone either. I’ve come to realize that it can only be done together… an act in itself that would at last demonstrate the divide has been crossed, dramatizing it, as it were, for all to understand.

Science fiction can produce a good read for some but I don’t believe it can bear the weight of the entire civilization, in a form that commands cultural respect commensurate with the theme in question.

Resolution can only come about for the entire social sphere through literature and culture, at the most sensitive levels, bearing a sense of history, of the past, as well as a sense of the new scientific worldview implicit in quantum physics. Believing all that, I chose the epic form because of its universality, its presence in some form in most major cultures, and its ability to carry the burden of epochal reassessment and transformation, which it has repeatedly demonstrated in the past.

By dramatizing those antinomies, like life itself, beheld in a mirror, as it were, I believe we can imaginatively choose change, in consciousness, change consciousness, leading to and helping to make more possible adjustments in reality, which we all so dearly need around the world.

We human beings, our thinking so narrow and restrictive, as soon as we “organize,” in the supposed best interest of others, whether “religious” or “secular,” every “box” failing sooner or later… often with much woe before we realize it. To my mind, the whole modern assortment of cardboard boxes, whether traditional institutional “religion” or the Enlightenment myth and its offspring, are crumbling all around us, unable to hold together and do justice to the contents of the psyche, protect and guide us from our own worst passions and assumptions, crippling fragmentation our daily bread and dilemma.

It’s not an easy task to confront all that and suggest a modest reassessment, not Utopian hubris, but it seems that every sign continues to demonstrate how urgent it is that we human beings achieve it. What but universality offers hope in the face of all the movements clamoring for exclusivism, in one form for or another? What have we lived into around the globe if not the rich and fertile pluralism of universality?

I feel the rich heritage that we carry with us, though, has become open to everyone around the globe, so that instead of only one exclusive tradition, if you will, we human beings have been becoming for a long time now increasingly heirs of all the past forms of transcendence. Far from their being swept aside, what is universal in them has become increasingly clarified so that it can be seen and appreciated as universal… an infinite Unity and Oneness, the global heritage of humanity.

I think of Boris Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago, when he extols basically the life force versus ideas about life… as in the totalitarians forcing their ideas on the whole society, to the destruction of a civilized form of life. The West has gone about it in different ways, but, to an extent, arguably, achieved something like it in its own way–both materialistic at the core.

Early in life I had also read Ram Das’ Be Here Now, in my early twenties, along with some books by Alan Watts, Carlos Castaneda, Krishnamurti, Arnold Toynbee, Sufi poets, and so on. Having actually read even earlier in high school The World Bible, one of the early popular collections of the Upanishads, Buddhist, and other major scriptures, I was open to, shall we say, every current on Earth. Still am.

But living in Japan and traveling throughout China, and so on, sobered me up, in a lot of ways, study and life making clear that the East too has passed into the crucible of modernity, where we all have been mixed and poured together… human at best.

I have a long and complicated religious lineage, or journey, one probably easy to misread. I hope to write someday more about it in prose, a Confessions, if you will, though my epic, I’d like to think, is the best account. One of my essays may be my next best attempt to suggest it, in literary terms,

Tolstoy and the Last Station of Modernity

What religion-become-doctrine does is disperse the mystery from lived life. I attended once an interfaith meeting in which two Christian ministers spent much of the time rehashing consubstantiation versus transubstantiation in front of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others, as to which interpretation was essentially the “true” Christian one. I’ve never been able to see any Christianity in either, and I’m someone who actually studied those doctrines, at various times, out of historical and literary interest. Much of the culture is frozen in all those antiquated categories of “religion,” and then much of the rest of it is locked into fighting against those outdated conceptions, skewing its own thinking, while our crises loom ever larger.

The language of poetry is the only tongue that can evoke and probe the matters of the soul… short of prayer. So there must be a way, to… reach…

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Universality

Kickstarter. A New Global, Universal Vision of Life on this Planet!


Kickstarter. A New Global, Universal Vision of Life on this Planet! Epic Poetry, in Performance, on Stage.  https://kck.st/1m5XFyD or https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fglaysher/a-new-global-universal-vision-of-life-on-this-plan

Pledge by .

In Performance, on StageThe Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem, by Frederick Glaysher.

Like a story “around a campfire.” —From the Audience.

“Certainly wowed the crowd at the library with the performance [boldface added] and the words themselves.” —Thom Francis, Albany Poets News, New York.

Thirty years in the making, in late 2012, I finished and published The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem. Now after several public readings and as many reviews, my Kickstarter Project is to take it to humanity, in Performance, on Stage, at a Michigan theatre, in 2014. At approximately thirty minutes per chapter, I would read the first three chapters or “Books” of the epic, what has traditionally been called “in medias res,” in the midst of things, a flash-back device, with the action already in mid-stream on the moon.

In ancient Greece, the rhapsodes, reciters of epic poetry, an oral art, traveled throughout the Greek world, from city to city, reciting the tales of Homer and other epic poets. Nearly thirty-five years ago I had a theatre class in the interpretation of poetry that set me to dreaming of writing an epic poem and then traveling worldwide to recite it. Now I am ready, epic in hand, to commence that journey!

I believe that the imagination is at the core of all human endeavor, and that an imaginative vision of a New Global, Universal Vision of Life on this Planet can help inspire people to make it a reality. Together, from the moon, we can see it.

I need your help and support to bring the vision we all long for to the attention of humanity. I am painfully aware that I cannot do it alone. I could study and write alone for decades, needed to, but now I must turn to others to aid me in reaching an audience. I don’t have the financial resources to do it alone. I need $9,625 to take my epic poem to humankind! Please help, if you can…

Read a Free Sample Chapter, Book I, on Amazon (USA, UK), Barnes & Noble, or as a PDF. https://fglaysher.com/images/FGlaysher_The_Parliament_of_Poets_Book_I.pdf

THE ARGUMENT – A brief headnote sketch of each chapter or “Book.” PDF.https://fglaysher.com/images/THE_ARGUMENT_The_Parliament_of_Poets.pdf

YouTube Playlist, Epic Poetry Readings.

Please share this Kickstarter Project with friends and family, blogs and elsewhere, the media, whatever you can do, and help get the word out about The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem, *in Performance, on Stage*.

I’m very grateful for your help. See you at the Performance! Journey to the moon!

Frederick Glaysher


Alas, my Kickstarter Project has failed to reach its funding goal. February 14, 2014

Lord Apollo does not approve of my plan. Seeking his will, I have already dispatched a retainer to the Shrine at Delphi. The oracle hath sent back, once again, this cryptic poem,

The Golden Tripod

Today being the ancient Greek holiday of St. Valentine’s Day, I shall retire to a glade to sport with Amaryllis in the shade, but will mull over his riddle as best I can…

The Poet of the Moon

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Filed under Epic