Tag Archives: United Nations

This World Needs a New Vision



This world needs a new vision of life. 
From the moon, we can see it…

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Universality

UNA-USA Members Day 2012

I was in New York for a few days at the United Nations Association Members’ Day, February 10, 2012, held in the General Assembly. The dozen panelists discussed a wide range of compelling global issues, including,

UN Peacekeeping: Its evolution and operations globally
The Security Council’s new assertiveness in peace and security
Rio+20: Pre-event expectations and potential impact
Millennium Development Goals: Post-2015: What’s next?
Family Care & Women’s Health and Re-productive Rights

UNA Members Day February 10, 2012


View from Jamaica… in the UN General Assembly Hall, where I sat during the UNA Members Day, Feb. 10, 2012. My tweets are available on my Wall below, if interested in highlights.





UNA Members Day 2012

View from behind Burundi… in the UN General Assembly, where I sat during the afternoon, the UNA Members Day, Feb. 10, 2012. My tweets are available below, if interested in highlights. Susana Malcorra, UN Under Secretary-General of the Department of Field Support, on peacekeeping. An out-standing speaker…

My Twitter highlights follow…

“Millennium Declaration… unprecedented international compact” “signed by world leaders” #unausa #membersday2012 Corinne Woods –(@fglaysher)

“…relentless corporate propaganda” denies global warming. Jeffery Sachs #unausa Members Day — (@fglaysher) February 13 at 7:13am

JFK …make the world safe for diversity…. this small plant.” #unausa #membersday2012 — (@fglaysher)

Kofi Annan “No government has the right to hide behind national sovereignty.”… Ambassador Di Carlo #unausa

Israel, Palestinians….”need to come to terms.” Di Carlo #unausa #membersday2012 —  February 12 at 9:00pm

“Peacekeeping… the whole range… difficult command and control.” Ugo Salinas #unausa #membersday2012 — fglaysher (@fglaysher)

“…institution building so that the peacekeepers can withdraw.” Ugo Salinas #usauna #membersday2012

“Why has [peacekeeping] not really worked? …lack of speed is a political one.” Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber #unausa #membersday2012 — fglaysher (@fglaysher) i.e., UN tends not to move fast enough to keep up with a developing crisis. The machinery is not in place to allow it to do otherwise.

“Countries don’t want the Secretary-General to have a rapid response force because he might use it.” Wolfgang #unausa #membersdY2012 — fglaysher…

“Peacekeeping …. is based on the willingness of member states.”

FG sitting in the UN General Assembly, at Jamaica, in the morning. 2012

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Filed under United Nations

Roadside Dog. Czeslaw Milosz.

Czeslaw Milosz

Czeslaw Milosz

A Roadside Dog. Czeslaw Milosz.

Antinomies…. October 24, 2000

In A Year of the Hunter, Czeslaw Milosz unequivocally writes, “Poetry’s separation from religion has always strengthened my conviction that the erosion of the cosmic-religious imagination is not an illusion and that the vast expanses of the planet that are falling away from Christianity are the external correlative of this erosion.” Road-Side Dog exudes this same consciousness, yet, interested only in Christianity, he fails to perceive that vast expanses of the planet have also left behind the Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Confucian, and Buddhist religions.

Like his contemporaries, Milosz is a child of dualities and contradictions, as he discloses in Unattainable Earth: “Sometimes believing, sometimes not believing, / With others like myself I unite in worship.” Though “loyal and disloyal,” he performs what is in itself an act of affirmation. One reason for such tensions must be his recognition that we are “In an intermediary phase, after the end of one era and before the beginning of a new one.” In another entry he writes, “There is only one theme: an era is coming to an end which lasted nearly two thousand years, when religion had primacy of place in relation to philosophy, science and art. . . .” Milosz recognizes the validity of his own honest doubts and the abyss of evil and historical calamity that is swallowing everything before it, yet he does so while continuing to “unite in worship.” Similarly, in “Lecture V” of The Collected Poems, the persona affirms “We plod on with hope,” and then allows, “And now let everyone / Confess to himself. eHas he risen?’ eI don’t know.’” It was perhaps these lines that led Pope John Paul II to say to Milosz, as he reports in A Year of the Hunter, “You always take one step forward and one step back.” In an essay in New Perspectives Quarterly, Milosz describes himself as a believer, while in A Year of the Hunter he refers to an experience in church on Palm Sunday as an “intuitive understanding that Christ exists.” These contradictions achieve their fullest expression in “Two Poems” in Provinces: The first poem celebrates earthly life and its values, while the second poem, “A Poem for the End of the Century,” bitterly, ironically recalls the religious past. Of these two contrasting poems, Milosz writes in a headnote that “taken together” they “testify to my contradictions, since the opinions voiced in one and the other are equally mine.” To highlight either side over the other would be a distortion of his psyche. Milosz conveyed his complexity to the Pope when he replied, “Can one write religious poetry in any other way today?” I have often thought of Virginia Woolf’s Mr. Ramsay in To The Lighthouse, ascending the island rocks, exclaiming, in one of the most poignant settings of modern literature, “There is no God.”

Perhaps because Milosz perceives our age as an intermediary one, he finds it more possible than most poets to hold out hope for the future. His hope, though, as we have seen, is not naive, foolish, or unaware of the incessant disintegration. It is that of one tried by experience, who yet believes there are reasons for such a poem as “Thankfulness.” To give “thanks for good and ill” manifests a trust that transcends our usual human self-centeredness and that submits to the power of the mystery of being, a trust that acknowledges in another poem “They are incomprehensible, the things of this earth.” Such trust is also the prerequisite to finding “Eternal light in everything on earth.” Although from the viewpoint of traditional Catholic belief some might think such lines are suffused with vague gnosticism, accuse him of having fallen off from the faith, of “willing belief,” as he says of himself in The Land of Ulro, one must recognize the honest complexity of his commitment if one wishes to confront, as he has, the undeniable damage that has been visited upon all organized forms of religion and government during the modern era.

In reference to religion, while recognizing the undeniable damage, Milosz has often expressed his skepticism and uneasiness with Catholicism. Although he seems to favor at times reversion to Catholicism, suggests he himself is a heretic, harbors the conceit of possessing the true truth among the great religions, he also writes of going “forward, but on a different track,” of a “new vision,” “a new awareness,” “new perspectives,” as in A Year of the Hunter:

Why should we shut our eyes and pretend, rejecting theobvious, that Ancient Rome is again in decline, and this time it’s not pagan Rome under the blows of Christianity, but the Rome of the monotheists’ God? Since this, and nothing else, is the undeclared theme of contemporary poetry in various languages, obviously this conflict has already crossed the threshold of universal consciousness. . . . Perhaps . . . new perspectives will open up . . . .

Milosz has worked more deeply with the spiritual dislocations of modern life than any other poet of the twentieth century since T. S. Eliot.

In regard to government, Milosz’s experience prepared him to understand where we have been and where we are going in a manner unique among modern poets. All the more eloquently rings his plea in his Nobel Lecture for sanity eventually to prevail among the nations of the earth:

We realize that the unification of our planet is in the making, and we attach importance to the notion of international community. The days when the League of Nations and the United Nations were founded deserve to be remembered.

This realization of the importance of international community can be found throughout his writings. Its source, beyond his own experience, was, by his own testimony, his uncle, Oscar Milosz, poet and seer, who predicted the “triumph of the Roman Catholic Church.” Narrow Catholic hopes aside, history, lower case, moves toward the vindication of both of them, as well as of all those who have stood throughout this century for the further development of international institutions through which the nations may cooperate for the protection of the weak and vulnerable, for the protection of the little ones. If “There are no direct lessons that American poets can learn from Milosz,” the fault lies entirely with us and the age of academic criticism that has almost strangled the life out of poetry.

Frederick Glaysher


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UNvanquished. Boutros Boutros-Ghali.


Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

UNvanquished : A U.S. – U.N. Saga. Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Global Tragedies of Our Own Making…. October 30, 2000

I’ve often thought or returned to passages in Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s UNvanquished since reading it in the early summer of 1999. Throughout the debate and defeat of the CTBT, the charades over Congressional withholding of funding to the UN, Jesse Helms’ appalling performance before Security Council Members in January of 2000, my attending the Millennium Forum as an accredited participant at the UN in May 2000, watching and hoping the requisite will might be found at the Millennium Summit in September 2000, I have repeatedly found myself recalling Boutros-Ghali’s devastating critique of US undermining of the United Nations, struggled to fight off a pervasive sense of tragedy and lost opportunity, lost since 1992 when Boutros-Ghali’s Agenda for Peace was shunted aside…..

Now available in

The Myth of the Enlightenment: Essays
Forthcoming, September, 2014.


Frederick Glaysher


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Filed under Reviews, United Nations