Tag Archives: The Parliament of Poets

At Theatre NOVA, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sept. 22, 2019.

The Parliament of Poets performed by Apollo’s Troupe
Celebrating Our Common Humanity Uniting Us All

Guest Production at Theatre Nova, Ann Arbor, 410 West Huron Street.
Three Sundays in a row: September 22, 29, and October 6. 7:00 – 9:00 pm
TICKETS AT THE DOOR $22 general, $15 student, or at https://www.TheatreNova.org (Under Shows > Guest Productions).
Based on Staging by Jeff Thomas, Michigan Michael Chekhov Studio,
“A spectacular book. A unique and moving experience.”
Stage Manager, Briana O’Neal

Frederick Glaysher (Underground at Hilberry Theatre, Shelton Theatre (San Francisco), The Farmhouse),
Dennis Kleinsmith (Michigan Shakespeare Festival, Shakespeare in Detroit, Theatre Nova, JET, etc., pictured on right),
The new actors joining the Guest Production at Theatre Nova are, left to right…
Alexander Sloan (Open Book, Water Works, Hope College),
Patrick Grimes (Redbud, Morris, Young People’s Theatre),
Marley Boone (Williamston, St. Dunstan’s, Philadelphia theatre, Ethos, Lantern, etc.),
Krystle Dellihue (Shakespeare In Detroit, Matrix Theatre, Redbud, PTD, etc).

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Filed under Apollo's Troupe, Epic

CTN TV Ann Arbor Interview

The Parliament of Poets on CTN Ann Arbor TV. With Dana Denha, For Your Information FYI.
10-minute Interview of Frederick Glaysher, about Apollo’s Troupe at Theatre NOVA. September 20, 2019. Starts at 5:52.

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Filed under Apollo's Troupe, Epic

Encore Michigan Article on Apollo’s Troupe

A Parliament of Poets 05/17–05/19

DETROIT—On May 17, the theater company, Apollo’s Troupe, will debut the stage-adaptation of the critically- acclaimed epic poem, The Parliament of Poets, written by Michigan poet Frederick Glaysher and published in 2012 by Earthrise Press. The show will be at the newly-renamed Underground at the Hilberry Theatre (formerly The Studio Theatre) on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18 at 8pm and Sunday, May 19 at 3pm. Tickets are $28. WSU Faculty, Staff, and Students are eligible for discounts. Go to www.wsushows.com for more information and to purchase tickets….

READ the full article at https://www.encoremichigan.com/shows/a-parliament-of-poets-05-17-05-19/

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Apollo's Troupe, Epic

New Review in Transnational Literature, Australia


The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

New review by Umme Salma, International Islamic University, Department of English Language and Literature, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Transnational Literature Vol. 7 no. 1, November 2014, Australia. Over 1,200 words.

“The purpose of the spiritual journey of the Poet of the Moon is to seek deliverance of the modern human from the captivity of nothingness, nihilism and atheism, and from the resulting chaos and chasm of soul. From the versatile he gets scores of life-affirming lessons, yet the core meaning of all is that the Supreme Being as well as the earth is one, and so human beings are one nation irrespective of their clan, class, color,race, religion and gender. In this earth human beings are part of the Great Mystery’s creation and their duty is to keep the balance and harmony of the universe, to achieve union, to choose sacrifice, and to be self-controlled. In this manner Glaysher sings the song of ‘one Earth, without borders, Mother Earth, her embrace encircling one people, humankind’ (19)….”

“Bravo to the Poet for this toilsome but brilliant endeavour.”

[That is, “toilsome” to the poet, alas, so true…]

Full review at Transnational Literature.

Frederick Glaysher

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