The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem
Two Reviews of The Parliament of Poets
Goodreads, Ratul Pal Jan 25, 2013
“Most of the contemporary poets and critics claim that epic is not suitable for our modern age. But Frederick Glaysher has proven them wrong. He has shown that if a poet has true dedication, if he has unshakable belief in humanity, spirituality and overall progress of human beings, if he hasn’t already surrendered himself to the ugliness of decadence, it is possible for him to write an epic, even in modern age. “The Parliament of Poets” has all the grandeur, all the loftiness and qualities which make an “effort for an epic” a “true epic”. In essence, “The Parliament of Poets” is a song of unity, an audacious declaration that unity does not mean conformity, it means being in harmony. The poet himself is the main character of this epic poem, who travels to the moon, meets a large number of great poets and writers of the world, comes back to earth to have some glimpses of bygone times. Throughout the entire journey, many poets, writers, sages guide the poet and share their invaluable knowledge and insights. Besides giving the pure joy of poetry, this epic will certainly enrich a reader’s geographical-political-architectural knowledge. If a reader is not already acquainted with some of the mainstream traditions of world-literature, it will be difficult for him to grasp the meaning this epic tries to convey. But we must remember that no great work of literature is self-sufficient. Great works of literature have a lot to offer, but in order to comprehend them, a reader must prepare himself, must sharpen his intelligence and aesthetic sense. Keeping these things in mind, anyone can start reading “The Parliament of Poets”.”
LibraryThing, “A wonderful book. As a fan of poetry and especially epic poetry I found this book to be up to the standards set by Homer. I met some new poets that I have looked up and added to my collection. This book also is very thought provoking as it brings into question what humanity is doing to the Earth and each other. I highly recommend it.”
( ) wtshehan | Oct 25, 2012
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Frederick Glaysher