Tag Archives: epic poetry

The Mask

The Mask. July 11, 2013

The Mask. July 11, 2013

The Mask

It was only several months after finishing my epic poem that I came to realize a deeper level of the metaphor of the mask, startled to the point of physically shaking. One must make the journey to understand.

Frederick Glaysher















A cozy nook in my library.

A cozy nook in my library.














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Interview on CKCU Literary News

CKCU Lit News

– Hans Ruprecht, CKCU Literary News, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

I was interviewed on Canadian radio June 18, 2013, by Dr. Hans G. Ruprecht, CKCU Literary News, Carleton University, Ottawa.  Includes two excerpts from The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

“FREDERICK GLAYSHER in conversation about his great epic poem of startling originality and universal significance, THE PARLIAMENT OF POETS, which is ingeniously enriching the canon of ‘literary epics’ while in every way partaking of the nature of world literature.” – Dr. Hans Ruprecht, CKCU Literary News, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. June 18, 2013.

• Listen to the interview at CKCU Literary News Starts after the BBC NEWS. Just click 6 minutes past it or listen to the interview from my own server. Click HERE

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Epic

Review – Poetry Cornwall

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem

Poetry Cornwall, Issue No. 36, May 2013, Redruth, Cornwall, England.

The Parliament of Poets – Frederick Glaysher – Earthrise Press, Rochester, MI 48306 USA – ISBN: 978-0-9826778-8-9 – Hardback 294 Pages – $23.95

“The Parliament of Poets is understood to be the first epic poem in the English language in 345 years. Firstly, I must state it is very readable and intriguingly enjoyable. Apollo, Greek god of poetry calls all the poets to assemble on the moon. All are to consult on the meaning of modernity.

“The Persona stands with the poets of all nations, ancient and modern to consult on the threatened state of humanity, how to find and affirm a worthy vision of life, meaning and purpose.

“This epic poem is a journey through vision, thoughts and words of the likes of Cervantes, Basho, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, griots, shamans and many other notables, including Job and Merlin. “All humanity stood there with us. / We were not alone. We felt it. / The Love of the Unseen Essence, encircling us.”

“Frederick Glaysher’s hours of dedication have produced a masterpiece that will stand the test of time.”

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Epic

Epic Poetry Reading, Birmingham Unitarian Church (UU)

Reading at the Birmingham Unitarian Church (UU),  Birmingham, Michigan, April 6, 2013

Reading at the Birmingham Unitarian Church (UU), Birmingham, Michigan, April 6, 2013

Epic Poetry Reading, Birmingham Unitarian Church (UU)

Frederick Glaysher reading from The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem, at the Birmingham Unitarian Church (Unitarian Universalist), Birmingham, Michigan, April 6, 2013.

From BOOK I (in medias res), BOOK II (Black Elk and Chief Seattle; Japara, Australian Aborigine), and BOOK VI (Buddhist Mogao Caves, Dunhuang, China). Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Frederick Glaysher.

The last several minutes include questions and answers on epic poetry, world religions, and other background material and reflections.

Frederick Glaysher

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Filed under Epic