The Parliament of Poets

Solo Performance by Frederick Glaysher, playing the role of the main character, The Poet of the Moon, and Black Elk, Chief Seattle, Don Quixote, Merlin, Du Fu, Robert Hayden, Fairy Queen, Tolstoy, Borges, Mbeku, etc.
Celebrating Our Common Humanity Uniting Us All.
At Hathaway’s Hideaway
310 S. Ashley Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
November 8, 9, & 10, 2019
Friday, Saturday: 8:00 pm
Sunday: 2:00 pm
TICKETS AT THE DOOR (cash or Square)
General $15 Students $12
Doors open at 7:00 pm
Approximately 80 minutes.
Reviving the storytelling role of the ancient Greek rhapsode.
Download the Program for Solo Performance
Phone: 248-453-4220