Do a Fascinating Show on the United Nations and a New Vision of Life on this Planet!

Fred Glaysher has been a Hit on Over 230 Stations

AVAILABILITY: Michigan, nationwide by arrangement, and via telephone and Skype; available for last-minute interviews. PDF
CONTACT: Fred Glaysher (Rochester, MI) Telephone: 248-652-4982 or email:
Author of "The Victory of World Governance," in THE GROVE OF THE EUMENIDES: ESSAYS ON LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND CULTURE (2007).
Amazon Author Page:

It’s one of today’s most compelling topics. Ask your listeners what they think and watch the calls come pouring in. Fred Glaysher tells the truth about modern history and the United Nations, and what it means to our nation. A fascinating, down-to-earth guest, widely interviewed after 9/11, Glaysher alerts your audience to why we still need the U.N. MORE NOW THAN EVER. Expect many calls and even controversy as this political expert reveals: Which scourges of the 20th Century...including devastating war, racial upheavals and cultural violence...could now become worse in the New Millennium without a stronger U.N. and a global vision that helps people around the world see and feel and understand our common humanity.

What he’s learned about the West (and our future) by living on an Arizona Indian reservation...and about East Asia in Japan, India, and China. Whether most Americans support or spurn the U.N. Why it’s time for a U.N. World Democratic Federation, World Governance, and what that means. What our nation’s political parties do to repeatedly place us in jeopardy. A timeline for the U.N.’s rapid reaction police force...elected house of representatives...worldwide nuclear weapons security and disarmament...and other reforms.

A veteran on the United Nations, here’s what hosts say about Glaysher:

"A powerful interview!" Margo LaGattuta, WPON, MI
"Very well done. I’d have him on again in a heartbeat." Roy Justice, KXIC, IA
"Great interview!" Lynn Thompson, WALL, NY; "Good show!" Dave Miller, KNOX, ND
"I got several calls immediately." Ken Behrens, WJBC, IL; "A great guest!" Mike Todd, KXEL, IA
"An informative and articulate guest. We received excellent feedback!" Jessie Frees, WMTR, NJ
41+ stations including major audiences in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, Detroit, St Louis, Denver, Louisville, Pittsburgh; Ontario.
Syndicated to 189 stations in NY; MD; OH; IN; KT; TN; MO; FL; MS; S/ND; MN; WI; NE; CO; AZ; WA; CA.
Interviews / lectures / forums / readings: University of Michigan, Wayne State University, WSU Law School, Saginaw Valley State University, The Wright Museum of African-American History, Detroit Public Library, Troy Public Library, Gerald Ford Museum, WBCK Battle Creek, WTCM Traverse City, OWOF Chelsea, etc.

CREDENTIALS: Fred Glaysher is a world-traveled author and former Fulbright and NEH scholar whose expertise and knowledge of the United Nations and international politics and affairs makes him an excellent on-air guest. In May 2000, he was an accredited participant at the U.N. Millennium Forum and Summit held in the General Assembly Hall. A former board member of the U.N. Association of Greater Detroit. Independent Author, Scholar, and Editor of ten books, including Robert Hayden’s Collected Prose (The University of Michigan Press) and Collected Poems (Liveright)—widely considered the most important African-American poet of the 20th Century. Among Glaysher's books are INTO THE RUINS (1999), and THE BOWER OF NIL (2002), a vision of the complexities of the 21st Century and global governance, and THE PARLIAMENT OF POETS: AN EPIC POEM (2012), evoking a moderate, global vision of humanity coming together in peace and spiritual unity for the common good of all peoples. Former board member of the Troy-area Interfaith Group and life-long student of all of the great world religions and wisdom traditions.

QUESTIONS - All the more pertinent nearly two decades after 9/11, and the return of authoritarian, if not racist and fascist, tendencies.

1) Will the isolationism of America First lead to safety and security for America?

2) What will happen here at home and around the world if our government neglects our historic commitment to the U.N. and its peace-keeping values?

3) Will the 21st Century bring global challenges that will repeat the vast injustices and destruction of WWI and WWII?

4) Why did Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt create the League of Nations and the United Nations?

My Main Points:

1) Learn from the experience of the 20th Century on a human level—violent upheavals and war—support of the United Nations—Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s book UNvanquished. Kofi Annan, "The collective interest is the national interest."

2) A NEW Spiritual, Universal Interfaith Vision of the Oneness of Humanity—global, beyond race and extreme Nationalisms—can help reinvigorate modern culture, world civilization, youth, with a sense of a new future, and further the development of a democratic UN, for the Third Millennium.

3) The modern secular vision of the Enlightenment is insufficient to provide the psychic energy needed to save ourselves at this time of global danger and crisis. Humanity must reconnect with the universal visions of the great spiritual teachers and poets who understood that the cultivation of the inner life of the individual is the way to creating inner peace, which can have a positive impact on the outer world and community, deepening the meaning and purpose of life. Far from reverting to any single religious exclusivism that seeks to dominate and control world society, humanity needs to achieve, affirm, and shift to a deeper recognition of what is moderate, universal, peaceful, pluralistic, and commonly shared among the great spiritual and wisdom traditions, favoring neither East nor West.

Other Questions or Topics:

1) Is our nation, our very way of life, in peril if we turn our backs on the United Nations and continue to revert to Nationalism?

2) Why according to many polls the vast majority of Americans support the UN.

3) Former Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali presented to the UN in 1992 an Agenda for Peace and in 1996 an Agenda for Democratization. What are they about? Why should we revive them now?

Why we must form immediately a UN Rapid Reaction Force and consult on...

1) Making by 2020 NATO the UN’s Military Staff Committee or create a new international Instrument for the purpose.

2) Creating by 2025 an Elected House of Representatives for the UN.

3) Enhancing by 2030 the International Court of Justice into a full legal system.

4) Entrusting by 2035 all nuclear weapons, as Churchill wanted, to the UN. Eliminating by 2040 the veto and restructuring the Security Council.

5) Celebrating in 2045 Global Democratic Governance by the 100th anniversary of the end of WW II.

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