The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience


Susan Maneck, Bahai scholar, displaying her 'healthy' Baha'i patriotism


> Actually, it was the US who carried out the act of terrorism on a mosque during
> Friday service. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Maneck " <>
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Moral Equivalence, Evil, and the Baha'i Worldview

> >You might pick an example here and there of a targetted killing (of a
> >specific killer by Israel)that did indeed result in a number of
> >collateral deaths.

> Actually, it was the US who carried out the act of terrorism on a mosque during
> Friday service. 

> Baha'i Studies is available through the following:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Maneck " <>
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: Moral Equivalence, Evil, and the Baha'i Worldview

> To my comment: 

> >> Actually, it was the US who carried out the act of terrorism on a mosque
> >during
> >> Friday service.

> Freddie writes: 

> >
> >Of all the many, many reprehensible libels I've read
> >by Maneck during the last several years, I believe
> >this is really one of the most despicable..

> <sigh> 

> See for yourself:

> Friday 29th August 2003, Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim an influentiall shia
> cleric and leader of the Iranian backed Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution
> was killed by a truck bomb together with over 100 other civilians in attendance
> at the holiest site for Shia muslims in Iraq, the Imam Ali mosque in Najaf.

> This however is not the first time a mosque was hit by a truck bomb.

> Long forgotten by Americans, but still alive in the minds of thousands of
> Middle-East people, our CIA's William Casey, attempting to murder Sheik
> Muhammed Fedlallah (spiritual leader of Lebanese Shiites), which a truck bomb
> placed outside a Beirut mosque killed 81 innocent bystanders and injured
> hundreds.

> _______________________

> The Coastal Post - August, 1996: A dangerous attitude pervasive in Washington
> is that acting as Israel's errand boy in the Mideast carries little or no risk.
> Experience suggests otherwise.

> During Israel's 1982 genocidal War in Lebanon, while she was butchering some
> 30,000 Palestinian refugees, destroying Beirut and forcing that city's half a
> million citizens to flee to the suburbs, Israel's Washington lobbyist talked
> President Reagan into joining the slaughter. Reagan obliged by ordering his
> battleship, the USS New Jersey, sitting off Lebanon's coast, to hurl shells
> into those towns around Beirut to which the refugees were fleeing. The Lebanese
> did not forget this little gesture and not long after, on October 23, 1983, 264
> US Marines in our security force paid with their lives for Reagan's act when a
> car bomb exploded next to their barracks.

> In another little episode, just ten years go this month, long forgotten by
> Americans, but still alive in the minds of thousands of Mideast peoples, our
> CIA's William Casey, attempting to murder Sheik Muhammed Fedlallah (spiritual
> leader of Lebanese Shiites), which a truck bomb placed outside a Beirut mosque,
> killed 81 innocent bystanders and injured hundreds. The Sheik escaped. Bob
> Woodward in his carefully-researched 1987 book Veil reported Israeli agents had
> manufactured and set off that bomb for our CIA. The well-laundered funding for
> the disaster had been deposited in Casey's secret account by none other than
> the Saudi's Prince Bandar. (Spotlight, July 15)

> Now, in a repetition of the 1980s, 19 U.S. Marine have just been killed and
> another 30 injured by a bomb in their barracks in Dhahran. Washington is
> frantically pointing fingers in all the wrong directions. While we are still
> starving thousands of Iraqi children and Clinton with his friend Peres on the
> Whitehouse lawn has just celebrated Israel's recent slaughter of 208 Lebanese
> while driving 400,000 from their homes, has it occurred to Washington that
> someone in the Mideast might take offense?

> On March 26th, 1989, Ex-President Jimmie Carter, in an interview for The New
> York Times, said: "You have only to go to Lebanon, to Syria, to Jordan to
> witness first-hand the intense hatred among many peoples for the United States,
> because we bombed and shelled and unmercifully killed totally innocent
> villagers, women and children and farmers and housewives, in those villages
> around a result, we have become a kind of Satan in the minds of
> those who are deeply resentful. That is what precipitated the taking of
> hostages and that is what has precipitated some of the terrorist attacks."

> "International terrorism," a term carelessly bandied about in our Capital these
> days has always been in response to either our own or Israel's barbarism. Those
> U.S. Marines were killed, neither in Lebanon nor in Saudi Arabia but in Tel
> Aviv and Washington.

> ____________________________
> From BBC:
> 16407.stm

> "Some American press reports said the CIA was behind the attack, which was
> meant to kill Sheikh Fadlallah. He had been accused of supporting the suicide
> bombers who killed hundreds of US and French troops in attacks on military
> headquarters in Beirut in 1983 - a charge he has always denied."
> ________________________________

> The important precident here is that the CIA & Mossad have in the past blown up
> mosques and innocent by standers and those in prayer to accomplish their
> political objectives.

> "One knowledgeable Australian official says privately that US efforts to
> control Iraq include recruiting agents to create divisions among Islamic
> clerics who have growing political power."

> Over 300,000 mourners marched in the funeral procession

> Baha'i Studies is available through the following:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Maneck " <>
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: ATTN ** Investigators, Journalists ** > Re: Moral Equivalence, Evil, and the Baha'i Worldview > Kelly & Baha

> >
> >Susan Maneck, Bahai scholar, typifies the concealed anti-Western hatred
> >behind the veneer of brotherly love and peace routinely publicized by
> >the fundamentalists among my fellow bahais. 

> LOL. And you say this while at the same time arguing that the Baha'i
> institutions support the war in Iraq? You're going to have to make up your
> mind, Freddie. Never mind, you use whatever sounds bad whether there is any
> truth behind it as well. 

> >Her allegation that the US
> >bombed a mosque during Friday Muslim prayers reveals a great deal
> >about both her and the Baha'i Faith,

> Mmmm. I guess it reveals a good deal about Bill Moyer and PBS who ran this
> story soon after 9-11. But I've already sufficiently documented it. 

> Baha'i Studies is available through the following:

More on Susan Maneck, Bahai scholar

Maneck - DRIVING people out of the Bahai Faith  
