The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience


Shunning > Menu

From: Juan R. I. Cole <>
To: <>
Subject: New Zealand shunning of non-Baha'i
Date: Sunday, February 08, 1998 7:23 PM
You mean I never shared this with the Talismanians?
Here it is in all its glory:
cheers   Juan
>National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand
>P O Box 21551 (180 Candia Road)
>Henderson Auckland 1231
>New Zealand
>Telephone: (09) 837-4866
>Facsimile: (09) 837-4896
>16 December, 1996
>Ref 1695/96
>To the Baha'is of New Zealand
>Dear Baha'i Friends
>           Lamentable Situation Calls for Loyal Response
>With heavy hearts, the National Spiritual Assembly announces to the Baha'i
>community that Ms Pauline Smith, of Masterton, has broken the Covenant and
>been expelled from the Faith by the Universal House of Justice. Ms Smith has
>unfortunately not heeded the guidance and warnings she has been given over a
>period of some months, and has decided to maintain contact and association
>with known Covenant-breakers, who are some of the relatives of Shoghi
>Effendi, and in particular, Ms Parvine Afnan Shahid.
>Ms Smith, who had known about the Faith for some years in New Zealand, went
>to the United Kingdom where she continued learning about the Faith from
>believers she met there. While in England she also happened to meet the
>family of Covenant-breakers and became friends with them. Ms Smith later
>became a Baha'i in England and, soon afterwards, returned to New Zealand (in
>1995). Since then, there have been attempts by the institutions of the Faith
>to counsel Ms Smith about her association with Ms Shahid, who intends to
>come to live in Masterton from early 1997. The Universal House of Justice says:
>   "It has been determined that Parvine Shahid, who is the granddaughter
>   of the notorious Covenant-breaker Nayyir Afnan, is infected with the
>   spirit of Covenant-breaking and should be treated as a
>   Covenant-breaker."(1)
>Friends wishing to know more about the history of Ms Shahid's family should
>refer to a book by Mr Adib Taherzadeh, entitled *The Covenant of
>Baha'u'llah* which provides full information about this matter. A four page
>summary of relevant details is being sent to all Local Spiritual Assemblies
>and groups, and is available from the National Office on request.
>A fundamental principle of the Faith is that no believer can have any
>contact or association with a believer who has been deemed by the Head of
>the Faith to break the Covenant, whether by correspondence, telephone, or in
>person. Strict adherence to this rule is obligatory. The essential reason
>for this is to preserve the unity of the Baha'i Faith. It is because of
>division within themselves that the religions of the past have not fulfilled
>their purpose to unify mankind. For a further elaboration of this principle
>please see the attached extracts from a letter of the Universal House of
>Justice dated 9 December 1996, to a believer in Masterton [not supplied].
>Over the next few months the National Spiritual Assembly will implement, in
>collaboration with the Arm of the Learned and working through the Local
>Spiritual Assemblies and assistants, a systematic deepening programme on the
>Covenant aimed at every believer in New Zealand. In the meantime, the
>friends are urged to rededicate themselves to study of 'Abdul-Baha's Will
>and Testament, and to familiarise themselves with guidance regarding
>firmness in the Covenant, which is found in such publications as *Lights of
>Guidance*. All communities were recently sent a copy of a publication
>entitled *The Power of the Covenant* which consists of a set of three
>booklets. This provides further reference material for any questions you may
>have about this matter. Audio cassette tapes on the subject of the Covenant
>are also available from the Audio-Visual Unit. The National Spiritual
>Assembly urges you to make a concerted effort to study deeply the subject of
>the Covenant, individually and in groups.
>Meeting this challenge represents a new stage in the growth of the Faith in
>New Zealand. These words of a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi
>provide reassurance of the progress that comes from a crisis:
>   "He urges you not to be discouraged or depressed, but rest assured
>   that Baha'u'llah will assist you. Every set-back this Cause receives
>   is invariably a means of ensuring a future victory, for God will
>   never permit His Faith to be put out or uprooted."(2)
>As the believers strengthen their understanding of the Covenant and more
>faithfully adhere to its provisions, such firmness will not only increase
>their own understanding of Baha'u'llah's Revelation and provide protection
>for our national community, but will also give additional impetus to
>deepening our commitment to achieving the purpose and goals of God's plan.
>We are fully conscious of the distress and shock that many believers will go
>through as a result of this severe test and we do not underestimate the
>severe challenge this poses.
>The Universal House of Justice says:
>   "We are confident that the dearly loved New Zealand believers will
>   not allow this lamentable situation to deflect them from their
>   meritorious endeavours to further develop their Baha'i community and
>   to maintain its unity."(3)
>Be assured of the ardent prayers of this institution for your reassurance,
>comfort and strength of faith.
>Warmest Baha'i love
>Suzanne Mahon
>enc: Extract from a letter of the Universal House of Justice to an
>individual believer, 9 December 1996
>1. From a letter dated 12 December 1996 from the Department of the
>   Secretariat, Universal House of Justice, to the National Spiritual
>   Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand[.]
>2. From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated 26 January
>   1950 to the Local Spiritual Assembly of Panama, quoted in The
>   Compilation of Compilations: Volume l, #323.
>3. From a letter of the Universal House of Justice dated 12 December
>   1996 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New
>   Zealand.
>      -------- letter ends, fax begins ----------
>Universal House of Justice
>Baha'i World Centre
>12 December 1996
>Transmitted by fax: 64-9-8374898
>The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of New Zealand
>Dear Baha'i friends,
>We regret to have to advise you of the determination which has been made, in
>consultation with the Hands of the Cause of God, that Pauline Smith of
>Masterton has broken the Covenant. You are now requested to convey this
>information to the Local Spiritual Assembly of Masterton and to the Baha'is
>within your jurisdiction, and to provide them with the necessary guidance.
>Before this determination was made, Pauline Smith had been counselled over
>an extended period in an attempt to assist her to understand the nature of
>the spiritual obligations undertaken by one who chooses to become a member
>of the Baha'i community. When the efforts had proven fruitless, she was
>warned of the consequences of her conduct in allying herself with those who
>have endeavoured for decades to undermine the unity of the Faith, at which
>time she submitted a resignation from the Faith in an apparent attempt to
>avoid being designated as a Covenant-breaker.
>We are confident that the dearly loved New Zealand believers will not allow
>this lamentable situation to deflect them from their meritorious endeavours
>to further develop their Baha'i community and to maintain its unity.
>With loving Baha'i greetings
>The Universal House of Justice
>cc: Hands of the Cause of God
>    International Teaching Centre
>   Board of Counsellors in Austalasia (by fax)
>   Counsellors David Chittleborough, Violette Haake, Bruce
>   Saunders, and Heather Simpson (all by fax)
