Excerpts from Mirza Ahmad Sohrab's Broken Silence. The Story of Today's
for Religious Freedom. New York: Universal Publishing, 1942. Reprinted. H-Bahai:
Lansing, Michigan, 2004.
(Please note that in its use of the tactic of fundamentalist
"slanderous vilification," the headnote on H-net violates the NEH, MSU, and
H-Net's own democratic principles regarding scholarly and academic debate and
discussion. The associated links and attempts to discredit Sohrab with bogus
legal opinions further substantiate fanatical Baha'i's abuse and undermining of the
democratic principles that support H-Net, yet another indication of the
methods of fanatical baha'is.)
Sohrab's entire book may be downloaded in one click. 21 megabytes.
Other works by Sohrab:
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Abdul Baha in Egypt. New York: J. H. Sears & Co. for The New History Foundation, 1929.
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Abdul Baha's Grandson: Story of a Twentieth Century
Excommunication New York: Universal Publishing for The New History Foundation,
1943. https://www.h-net.org/~bahai/diglib/books/P-T/S/sohrab/ABG.htm
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. My Bahai Pilgrimage. Autobiography from Childhood to Middle
Age. New York: New History Foundation, 1959.
Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Story of the Divine Plan. Taking Place during, and
immediately following World War I. New York: The New History Foundation, 1947.
Digitally republished, East Lansing, Mi.: H-Bahai, 2004.
Excerpts at bottom:
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, An Analysis. New York:
Universal Publishing, 1944.
Selective Bibliography, Sohrab:
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. I Heard Him Say. Words of Abdul Baha as Recorded by his
New York: The New History Foundation, 1937.
Ahmad Sohrab's Broken Silence: The Story of Today's Struggle for Religious
New York: Universal Publishing, 1942.
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Abdul Baha's Grandson: Story of a Twentieth Century
Excommunication New York: Universal Publishing for The New History Foundation,
1943. https://fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/ABG.htm
Excerpts at bottom: Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. The Will and Testament of Abdul Baha,
An Analysis.
New York: Universal Publishing, 1944.
Sohrab, Mirza Ahmad. The Story of the Divine Plan. Taking Place during, and
immediately following World War I. New York: The New History Foundation, 1947.
Digitally republished, East Lansing, Mi.: H-Bahai, 2004.
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. My Bahai Pilgrimage. Autobiography from Childhood to
Middle Age.
New York: New History Foundation, 1959.
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab (1893 - 1958) Biography by Will Johnson, Professional
Also see US District Court of Northern Illinois rules against Haifan Baha'is
April 23, 2008
Amici curiae, Reform Bahai Faith
McDaniel v. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, 27 NYS 2d 525 - 1941
H-Net Bahai has deleted the dozen books it has had online for years by Ruth
White and Mirza Ahmad Sohrab. Most of their books are still
available on this website. Scholarship worthy of the name cannot be done
without confronting the history to which they testify.
From a 1941 Bahai book: