The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

From: McKenny Michael <bn872@FreeNet.Carleton.CA>
Subject: Re: Scent of the Bahji Rose
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 8:59 AM
Greetings, Ron, from Ottawa.
    You wrote:
>                                  What I would ask of you is that you
> understand one quality of God: He has patience. He is content to allow
> years, decades, or centuries to pass before the truth is revealed.
    Oh, I don't think, in this case, we have to wait hundreds of years
to know what the truth of the matter is. Oppressing people because of
their opinions is quite an unprincipled thing to do. Censoring acedemic
work that exposes the dearth of scriptual basis for discrimination is
also some considerable distance from principle. 
    Oh yes, the period of waiting for truth to be exposed has come to
an end. There no longer is such a stranglehold on information about the
Baha'i Faith. Now, here, we can post the Service of Women Paper and let
the whole world read that in Baha'i texts women are referred to as
"rajul" rulers/men, that the so seemingly clear fundamentalist obstacele
to practising equality of men and women, the oft quoted sentence that
appears to "infallibly" exclude them for a thousand years referred to
the general house of justice in Chicago. Everyone can read the opinion
that where fundamentalist literalism conflicts with principle then it
is principle which ought to be followed.
    And everyone can watch and see the response by those whose task it
is to guide as if they are the source of all good. And everyone can note
any distinction in this guidance between good and something else, any
difference in the way these good guides treat people and the way some
other kinds of leaders have treated people, including those leaders in
Iran who did not wish anyone to hear ideas other than their own.
    Oh yes, the truth now shines as clearly as the sun at noon. 
    May the sun of truth shine brightly upon all the people of the Earth.
May the human species be blessed with the light of understanding. May
humanity bask in the radiance of tolerance, amity and fellowship.
                                                         All the Best,

"My name's McKenny, Mike McKenny, Warrant Officer, Solar Guard."
       (Tom Corbett #1 STAND BY FOR MARS p2)
