The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

From: FG <>
Subject: srb censored 6-29-98
Date: Wednesday, July 01, 1998 6:56 AM
-----Original Message-----
From: K. Paul Johnson <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [bahai-faith] Glaysherspam
>Dear Mr. Hyman,
>Since I see you posting here, I take the opportunity to ask you
>why my post about `Abdu'l Baha's prophecy about religions being
>unified in the twentieth century (a prophecy which you strongly
>asserted did not exist, in a previous and quite unfriendly
>message to me) was never posted on s.r.b.  And why was I never
>notified of any reason for its nonappearance?  And why when I
>wrote again asking for an explanation, and Michele Smith said she
>had no idea what had happened but would forward the question to
>the moderator on duty at the time, there was *still* no
>explanation.  Fred, who goes out of his way to be aggressive and
>name-calling with you, at least gets the courtesy of a rejection
>letter.  I, who have gone out of my way not to reciprocate the
>hostile tone you have taken with me, do not.  What gives?
>Paul Johnson