The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

From:         Ron House <>
Date:         1998/01/27
Message-ID:   <>
Newsgroups:   news.groups
Chris wrote:
> In a message which I read on news.groups, FG
&gt; &lt;<A
; wrote
&gt; &gt;An excerpt from Religion Watch, January 1997 issue,
&gt; &gt;that may further help illuminate the discussion for
&gt; &gt;talk.religion.bahai....
&gt; Fred,
&gt; I don't know what you are trying to prove here but I would suggest
&gt; a) that to use quotes from one individual who uses half truths to attack
&gt; the Faith through a small number of individual members is disingenuous,
&gt; (KPJ's accusations are not in line with my experience of the Faith) and
&gt; b) that this is not really relevant to the arguements in support of TRB.
The impression I got from Fred's article was
that he was publishing an example of the
consequences for the public opinion of the faith
if Baha'is try to suppress free exchange of information.
Ron House
An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but
because people refuse to see it.         -- James Michener,
