From: Ron House <>
Date: 1997/11/24
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: news.groups,alt.religion.bahai
Isaac Freeman wrote:
> In article <p$>, ?@?.com writes:
> > He says he has been a Baha'i for about 20 years? I do not see 20 years
> > worth of study, 20 years of living the Baha'i Life, 20 Years worth of
> > Prayer in any of his actions in the public newsgroups or in the Baha'i
> > Mailing lists.
> You're entitled to your own opinion, but I'm concerned that this is
> getting close to passing judgement on Mr Glaysher. There's no reason why
> his twenty years of experience need result in anyone else's idea of what
> it is to be a Baha'i.
Indeed. Isaac is dead right. I have much more respect
for someone who is at times a bit hot under the collar
than for these syruppy, ultra-polite "believers" who
must surely spend more time cultivating their own
image than actually engaging with real people in
real communication. If someone is intemperate, my
first reaction is to ask why; in many cases it is
not so that the person is just basically nasty. More
often than not something really horrible was done
by the "nice" people behind closed doors that is
having its outlet in anger on the part of the victim.
Until I know the inner story, I don't judge people
by the tone of their keyboard.
Ron House
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An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because
people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"