The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience


From: "FG" <>
Subject: Re: bahais on - slander tactics
Date: Friday, March 16, 2001 7:47 PM


----- Rules of Conduct:
"posts that malign, vilify, defame, abuse, harass, or threaten others"

The person below continues to malign the integrity
of my belief in the bahai faith by referring to me as
a "covenant breaker," a kind of heretic, if you will,
and falsely stating I am not a member of the bahai faith.

My bahai membership card may be found on my bahai website.

I warned him more than a week ago that I would not
tolerant such vilification and harassment.

I would appreciate it if you ask him to cease abusing me.

The Bahai Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

3/10/01 6:11 PM  2 out of 9


All individuals reading here should be warned that Glaysher and Cole are not
Baha'is, and have essentially made a profession of attacking the Baha'i
Faith generally and its elected institutions in particular.

I will not go into the apparent reasons for these tirades because I don't
want to be guilty of backbiting, but I do have statements from both the
Baha'i Universal House of Justice and a knowledgeable Baha'i where the
activities of these individuals have been addressed in more detail. Those
readers wanting to see these should contact me and give an email address.

And their terminology is also misleading: there is no such dichotomy as
"liberal" or "fundamentalist" Baha'is: _all_ Baha'is abide by the Covenant
of Baha'u'llah, which expressly establishes our institutions and how they
operate. So to the extent these individuals reject all this, they are not
Baha'is, pure and simple. That's their right, but there seems to be a
preference to allow readers to mistake them for Baha'i when they're not.


"FG" <> wrote in message
> The original posts by Bruce may be found at
> discussion boards,
> specifically the one titled Baha'i Faith Challenge & Critique.
> --
> FG
> The Bahai Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
> --------
> 3/10/01 7:00 PM  2 out of 2
> FG>I have been a member of the Bahai faith since 1976.
> Yeah, right!
> And what he's _not_ telling you is that he resigned years ago, and has
> attacking the Baha'i Covenant and the administration it established ever
> since.
> Indeed, if i'm not mistaken, he left the Faith rather than obey its
> Covenant.
> He is thus _not_ a Baha'i, and hasn't been one for many years--nor are the
> others working with him against the Faith.
> alert people may wish to consider why he didn't tell you this.
> Bruce
> 3/10/01 6:11 PM  2 out of 2
> All individuals reading here should be warned that Glaysher and Cole are
> Baha'is, and have essentially made a profession of attacking the Baha'i
> Faith generally and its elected institutions in particular.
> I will not go into the apparent reasons for these tirades because I don't
> want to be guilty of backbiting, but I do have statements from both the
> Baha'i Universal House of Justice and a knowledgeable Baha'i where the
> activities of these individuals have been addressed in more detail. Those
> readers wanting to see these should contact me and give an email address.
> And their terminology is also misleading: there is no such dichotomy as
> "liberal" or "fundamentalist" Baha'is: _all_ Baha'is abide by the Covenant
> of Baha'u'llah, which expressly establishes our institutions and how they
> operate. So to the extent these individuals reject all this, they are not
> Baha'is, pure and simple. That's their right, but there seems to be a
> preference to allow readers to mistake them for Baha'i when they're not.
> Bruce

From: "Ali1932" <>
Subject: Public Notice:
Date: Friday, July 13, 2001 2:47 AM

Public Notice:

Uncle Ted's Father fired him from his position due to 
Uncle Ted's bad-mannered and careless behavior.

He noted that it is none of Uncle Ted's business to 
Develop a story out of nothing for the sake of his

Uncle Ted was under the impression that he was a 

Uncle Ted is dead. 
From: "Dave Fiorito" <>
Subject: something Fred posted on Beliefnet
Date: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:01 PM

Little Better Than the Terrorists     

9/14/01 7:51 AM  1 out of 2   

Sad fact, sad fact.... Having betrayed the moderation
articulated in the Writings....



To: Fred
From: the white hot ball of anger in my gut.

In the past you were just a pain.  I welcomed your voice as proof that
the First Amendment works.  I never did agree with you but that is the
way of this world.  I never wanted you to go away.  You are the
negative to the Baha'i positive.

Not now.  Not after that comment above.  You are a fucking asshole. 
You are a egomaniacal sociopathic shit head of the highest order. 
This is not character assasination because you have no character to
assassinate.  You are worthless.

How dare you compare people who are at this moment gathering their
resources to help rescue their fellow world citizens from the twited
wreckage left in the wake of that horrifically evil deed.  Baha'is in
NYC and in New Jersey have gone to Manhatten to volunteer.  Others are
gathering goods and money for the tough task of recovery.  Baha'is are
working to heal the wounds.

All you want to do is inflict more pain.

You are evil.

You are a fucking coward.

You make me sick.

