The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience



H-Net is a tax-supported national and international database for scholars in the humanities and social sciences, located at Michigan State University.

For at least several months, the web pages listing dissident Bahai books have again been unavailable to the general public of tax payers and researchers. Over the years, I have seen this happen with H-Net many times on a variety of issues. If you click "Digital Library," you'll receive a menu with the option of "Sources in European Languages." Click it, and you'll see another menu for "Books," as of 11-10-09, that the link does not lead to an active webpage: 2-2012

Here again is the URL that's conveniently defective:

A second link exists for those to whom the editors of H-Bahai wish to grant access. Here is what H-Bahai is trying to suppress and bias the reader against, what it should be for the general Internet user, Bahai or otherwise,

Through such strategems, plausible deniability, if you will, Baha'is, scholarly and otherwise, routinely suppress information that they do not want people to know about and manipulate dissent. The headnotes and other introductory material to some of these books is highly tendentious and misleading to the uninformed person.

This tactic has been especially applied over the decades to the books of Ruth White, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, and Julie Chanler.

