The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

-----Original Message-----
From: Fran Baker <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.bahai
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: fw Ron House Rejected by the Moderator: soc.religion.bahai
>>>Suzanne Gerstner wrote:
>>>> First I'd like to say something though.  Personally, the subject line:
>>>> "Baha'i Wives to Obey Husbands" bothers me tremendously because it's
>>>> very misleading, so to balance it, I've changed it to say roughly the
>>>> opposite. :-)  Taken out of context the first sounds very "old world
>>>> order".  It gives the wrong impression about the principles of the
>>>> Baha'i Faith.  There are people who know nothing of the Baha'i
>>>> on the family, consultation or the equality of the sexes who could draw
>>>> a wrong conclusion from this subject line without ever really
>>>> investigating further.
>The mentality expressed here, that of dressing up Baha'i tenets and history
>for consumption by potential Baha'i converts (often to the point of
>misrepresenting and downright lying) is one of the cancers in the body
>of the Faith.  It is also harmful to the intellectual and moral health of
>the individuals who engage in it, to use another phrase, it is bad for
>the soul.  It also tends, in my observation, to seep into other part of
>one's life.  It is ironic to think on Bahaullah's (I think it was his)
>warning about not trusting an atheist because someone who could lie about
>god could lie about other things.  Just another Baha'i irony.
>The other poison is the concept and treatment of "covenant breakers."
>Between the two (putting on a good face to get converts and
>covenenant breakers), it has to make you wonder just what tortured
>relationship the Baha'i Faith has with the ideas of truth and human
>--Fran (<---member of an obsolete religion that does not, with very rare
>exception, convert or excommunicate.)        
