From: SBoozie3@aol.com[SMTP:SBoozie3@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 11:55 PM
To: f_glaysher@hotmail.com
Subject: Thanks
Dear Mr. Galysher
My brother became active in the Baha'i Faith before the age of the
Internet and it took a lot of searching to get the real story about this
religion. Now all kinds of things pop up when you run a search on "Baha'i",
nevertheless your web site stands out as an outstanding source of
information. And its much more up to date than the traditional William
McElwee Miller and Samuel Wilson books.
I have come to the conclusion that the Baha'i Faith as it is currently
administered is a cult. However there is nothing in the teachings that
compels it to be so. The Baha'i Faith is whatever its people make it. If
they choose to follow an "infallible" Universal House of Justice and all its
teachings regarding covenant breakers and censorship so be it but much damage
is done by going down that path.
I guess what bothers me the most is their disregard for historical
truth, especially the destruction of books and the rewriting of them so that
what they say conforms with current teachings. I could never accept a
religion that does this without informing its members that the text has been
changed. It seems so dishonest.
Anyway thanks for proclaiming the truth. Having met many Baha'is I can
say that what attracts people to the Faith is the example of individual
believers and their belief in Baha'u'llah. This is an argument that cannot be