From: jricole@my-dejanews.com <jricole@my-dejanews.com> Subject: destroying intellectuals Date: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 12:49 PM In a recent message, Susan Maneck quoted me as saying that "this thing is a totalitarian cult" and that "it destroys any intellectual who gets involved with it." This message, I would like to point out, was a purely private one sent in the summer of 1996 when the Baha'i administration was investigating and threatening large numbers of my old friends. Obviously, I was over-wrought, and Susan at that point was an old friend who represented herself as sympathetic. Even then, the referent in my own mind of "this thing" was not the Baha'i faith as a whole, but rather its elite power structure. Unfortunately, Susan Maneck has now turned herself into the Linda Tripp of the Baha'i faith, and is quite unconscionably employing my old private conversations with her as a means of attempting to undermine my credibility. Posting a private message without my permission is a violation of my copyright, and so she is breaking the law as well as being unethical. What she does not realize is that she is simply proving my point. The people giving her her instructions did destroy me as a Baha'i intellectual, and now they have also succeeded in suborning her. Of course, in employing private communications to discredit people, she is just doing what Baha'i administrators like Firuz Kazemzadeh did to the Dialogue editors. It is not a new thing among those people. I continue to deny that in the period 1972-1996 I ever contravened the Baha'i covenant in any way. I continue demand that any credible evidence be presented that I ever did so. I continue to affirm that the UHJ had me accused of doing so in April of 1996. In so doing, all they did was reveal what kind of organization they are running. cheers Juan Cole -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- https://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Homepage |