The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience


Since all books and publications are required by the Baha'i administration to undergo the censorship inherent in the process of "review," a supposedly "temporary" measure now more than eighty-five years in effect, there are very few independent sources of information and knowledge available about the history and teachings of the Baha'i Faith. Those that any serious student should be aware of are given below.

Review of Sen McGlinn, Church and State. Leiden, 2005. By FG.

William Garlington. The Bahai Faith in America. Praeger. 2005. c.221p. bibliog. index. ISBN 0-275-98413-3. $39.95. REVIEW by FG

In the only book worth reading on the Bahai Faith since 1987, Professor Juan Cole emphasizes the fundamentalism that has overtaken the religion during the 20th Century: Modernity and the Millennium : The Genesis of the Baha'i Faith in the Nineteenth-Century Middle East Columbia University Press, 1998.
Reviews of Cole's Modernity and the Millennium

Ruth White's books, beginning as early as 1927 through 1946, are essential to understanding the actual history of the Baha'i Faith, especially in the Western world and the United States. A bibliography and PDF copies can be found on the Ruth White page, along with extensive Excerpts.The documents she deposited with the Library of Congress in 1930 substantiating that the British Museum hand writing expert C. Ainsworth Mitchell found that Abdul-Baha's purported will and testament is actually a fraudulent document can be found HERE.

Mirza Ahmad Sohrab's Broken Silence: The Story of Today's Struggle for Religious Freedom. New York: Universal Publishing, 1942. Reprinted. H-Bahai: Lansing, Michigan, 2004. Sohrab presents a view of Bahai life in America during the early 20th Century very different from what the usual sanitized public version suggests. The version on H-Bahai is a sanitized one, leaving out some very important pages.
Sohrab's entire book may be downloaded in one click. 21 megabytes.

The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings. William McElwee Miller. William Cary Library, 1974.

