The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience

From: K. Paul Johnson <>
Subject: Re: Letter of resignation
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 9:25 AM
I am glad that the story of Terry Culhane came forth.  If the
House is saying that the April 7 letter didn't implicitly refer to him
when denouncing "proponents" of emphasis on the
Mashriq-ul-Adhkar, I don't believe them.  It is evident on the
face of it that he was an object of attack.  All the
subsequent attacking made that all the more evident.  No wonder
he was reluctant to accept an apology that never admitted the
wrong done by the House itself!  What is sad in my view is that
*anyone* is reconciled to such institutions as thrive in the
Baha'i world.  
In some way it is admirable that Susan dropped everything and
went from Florida to Nebraska to try to save Terry from his
persecutors.  And better that the persecutors have had some mild
tap on the wrist over it than if they were rewarded.  But the
bottom line message, I think, is this: if you are a Baha'i and
become the object of vicious, ignorant, scholar-baiting,
"Covenant-upholding" persecution from any member of the institutions,
you have *almost absolutely no hope of justice*.  The only thing that can
possibly save you is an all-out, elaborate, time-consuming,
costly intervention by someone who has very good "ins" with the
higherups and can plead on your behalf.  Otherwise, you're up
Baha'i Creek.
Comparisons to totalitarian regimes seem to outrage Baha'is, but
I'd like to know what else one can compare such a situation to.
